small cakes singapore

With the holiday season doing the rounds, we all struggle with the problem of finding a way to show our affection to our close ones. The most striking and affordable one is CAKES. Cakes are not something seasonal, but their flavors surely are. These days we can get our cakes customized as well as delivered hassle-free from the comforts of our homes and all thanks to small cakes singapore services.


Cakes were originally consumed as bread in Egypt. Their usage was the same as now, for special occasions. What was just started as bread in the land of sand has now turned out to be an industry worth $331.37 billion as of 2020. The baked goods industry has now been estimated to increase at CAGR of 4.6% between 2021 to 2026. At present Scotland is known as the Land of Cakes as it is widespread for its variety and quality of cakes.

Bread to cheesecake- the evolution

Cakes were originally just known as another variety of bread. With time not only did the industries revolutionize but doughs also took different shapes and colors. There are several varieties of baked goods available today. The list goes like this:

  • Cookie
  • Pastry
  • Brownie
  • Cracker
  • Bagel
  • Buns
  • Muffin
  • Tart
  • Pie

This list is not exhaustive but inclusive.

Cake becoming the source of bread for millions

In today’s times, cakes are proving to generate income for millions and hence becoming the source of their bread. Bakers post clips, information, and details of their baking activities and the details for placing online cake orders on various social media platforms. During these trying times, people have taken up baking as a profession and not just something that one would like to do during his/her leisure time.

Trend today

Just one cake for your birthday or anniversary? Nah. This is to 2019. The trend in 2020 and 2021 makes it clear that the more the cakes, the merrier the celebration is destined to be today. Be it a celebration as simple as a small get-together or a child’s first-word people are quick to scroll on their devices and within a few clicks order a cake online. The pandemic has made people realize that how much important it is to live in the moment and hence celebrate every opportunity that life throws on us.

Cakes these days can replicate an entire human being so why not make them replicate our emotions?

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