While it’s pretty clear that psychics do nothing like reading your mind (in case it isn’t; we’re pretty disappointed) and only rip you off, we’ll tell you things that they actually do to pretend to ‘read your mind’ and make you believe that they’re doing the same. The following are some really common things that Free psychic reading online do to perform their acts and make them believable:
- Tell You Things You’ll Think Are True: When pretending to read your mind, psychic mind readers will tell you things that you’ll be really likely to feel about yourself. These can include personality traits, past incidents, and any really common personal issues that you’ll almost always find yourself facing. No matter what tools they use, they’ll always do the same thing – tell you stuff you’re bound to find yourself in. A simple newspaper horoscope will have you realize it. It doesn’t really matter what horoscopes you look at; they’ll all be believable.
- And Wait For It: Psychics nearly always go slowly; except when they perform actions that tell you otherwise but they’re – well, never mind; they always go slow with their guesswork. They’ll usually begin with vague options and move slowly into details unless you either tell them everything yourself or they manage to do a few guesses correctly. However, through all of that, they’ll try to make it look like they’re messing up because, well, reading minds is hard.
- Have Different Ways To Pull Their Tricks Off: Psychics who do not portray themselves as performers, but scam people instead often stick with a couple or a few more ‘signature’ tricks. However, due to the fact that, at some point, someone wise enough is going to shout out “hey, let me check your pockets”, the psychic’s going to turn to the gimmick. Most psychics have multiple ways to perform a single trick I order to keep themselves from getting debunked; however, can never survive controlled observation.
- Ask You to Check Them: In order to make their performances more believable, psychic scammers will often ask you to check them before their performance; however, only where they want you to. Anyway, even though you’ll only get to see what they want you to, having checked them in any manner will make it likelier for you to believe them.