Because of what we do every day and the chemicals we use, we are slowly but surely polluting the ground and the clean water we need to live. We often think that stormwater is nature’s job or a city problem, but we don’t see how we affect the water or what we can do to help fix problems that keep coming up. Understanding what stormwater management is and why it’s important will help our communities work together with groups that work to protect and preserve water.
Stormwater management with concrete stormwater pits is the work that is done to reduce the amount of water that runs off our streets, lawns, and other places when it rains or snows. It is also improving the quality of water based on EPA standards. Stormwater that isn’t too heavy is absorbed by the soil, which filters it and sends it either back into aquifers or into streams or rivers.
How Does It Change Things?
Environmental problems caused by unsafe stormwater runoff can lead to many other problems. It can cause stream banks to erode and damage many miles of aquatic life habitat. It could also push waste, fertilizers, and other sources of extra nutrients into water bodies.
How Could It Be Better?
With green infrastructure, rainwater can be collected and used again. Green infrastructure helps protect and clean up storm water and works like a natural water cycle to make the community safer. Instead of building water treatment plants, it involves planting trees, restoring wetlands, and taking other natural steps to clean water.
How does it get polluted?
Water gets dirty sometimes because of the things we use and how we throw them away in the wrong way. Sometimes, water that stays in one place for too long just has too many chances to pick up toxins on the ground that have been left there by cars, machines, and other things we use. The water sitting still also gives animals time to leave their waste in it, and bacteria just grows.
What’s the proper drainage?
Drainage systems are not connected to ditches or storm drains. Most of the time, water that flows through these channels goes straight into the next body of water. This is done by Making sure the drainage system is set up right, separating the storm and sewer systems, Making a plan for how the drainage will move, having it inspected, and following the rules
There is no easy way to explain what stormwater management is and why it is important. When it comes to what we need, how we use, filter, store, and save our water, there are a lot of moving parts. The more useful it is, the easier it will be to find the channels you need.